María Galindo and Mujeres Creando. Ave Maria, full of rebeldy. In front: Anonymous. The beginners. Oil on canvas, School of Potosí, 17th century. Installation view: Potosí Principle, Museo Reina Sofía, 2010.
Works by Konstanze Schmitt, Ines Doujak and Migrant Workers Museum, Beijing. In front: Francisco Moyén. Christ of the crossings. Oil on canvas, 17th century. Museo- Convento Santa Teresa. Potosí, Bolivia. Installation view: Potosí Principle, Museo Reina Sofía, 2010.
Eduardo Molinari. The soy children. Installation, 2010. In the center: Anonymous. Imposition of the chasuble to San Ildefonso. Oil on canvas, School of Charcas, 16th century. Installation view: Potosí Principle, Museo Reina Sofía, 2010.
Alice Creischer, Andreas Siekmann and Christian Von Borries. Dubai. Expanded Horizon. The museums create a new public opinion, 2009.