Welcome by Dóra Hegyi
Introduction by Boris Buden
Lecture: The Versailles Complex and the Myth of Post-Communism by G.M. Tamás
Lecture-Performance: Everyone's No Man's Land, Franz Josef Land by Ferenc Gróf
Lecture: If You're Not Against Us, You're With Us by Jodi Dean
Lecture: Fascisms Historical, Neo-, and Post- by Rastko Močnik
Panel with Jodi Dean, Rastko Močnik, Andrew Ryder, G.M. Tamás, Anna Wessely. Moderated by Boris Buden
Watching Dezső Magyar's Agitators
Lecture-Performance: Everyone's No Man's Land, Franz Josef Land by Ferenc Gróf
Panel with Jodi Dean, Rastko Močnik, Andrew Ryder, G.M. Tamás, Anna Wessely. Moderated by Boris Buden
Lecture: There is No Such Thing as Repetition by Inke Arns
Lecture: The Year XXXX by Jelena Vesić
Panel with Edit András, Inke Arns and Jelena Vesić. Moderated by Andrea Tompa
Lecture: 1989 and the Rise of Nationalism by Daniel Lazare

Lecture: “Entropy and the New Monuments” by József Mélyi
Lecture-performance: Any World that I am Welcome to (Is Better than the One I come from) by Tony Chakar
Response: Vjeran Pavlaković
Panel with Boris Buden, Tony Chakar, Daniel Lazare, József Mélyi, Vjeran Pavlaković. Moderated by Zsuzsa Toronyi
Conversation-performance: History with a Vengeance by Boris Buden and Jonas Staal
Conversation-performance: History with a Vengeance by Boris Buden and Jonas Staal